Powdered Milk Replacer Product Testing
WildAgain was only able to perform the tests described on this website with the participation from wildlife rehabilitators from 17 states around the country, who collectively have contributed 300+ gram samples of over 20 different products from three manufacturers, representing 100+ individual lots of the products. Samples of lots were requested where animals had been fed and grew normally. Samples of lots also were requested where animals had developed one or more medical issues.
In addition to providing product samples for testing, many responded to email questions. Surveys were distributed at three state rehab conferences. Phone interviews with 90+ rehabilitators from around the US provided in-depth information about the cases, products used and other information. Rehab and vet records, photos, radiographs, lab tests, and necropsies provided additional information on factors to be considered.

WildAgain performed a number of tests assessing the physical handling and characteristics of the products. These included ease of measuring the product prior to mixing with water; reconstitution efficiency; analysis of product package labeling for clarity of instructions and disclosure of product contents and ingredients, as well as others.

Esbilac® and GME® are all registered trademarks of PetAg® Inc.
DAY ONE is a trade name used by Fox Valley Animal Nutrition, Inc.
Lab test data
Samples were sent to a certified and independent lab where the individual products and lots were tested for a proximate analysis and for dietary mineral content. A spreadsheet of those results is available here (and is updated as new samples are tested.)
The results of these tests have been included in the latest version of WildAgain's Wildlife Formula Calculator, specifically designed to assist rehabilitators in determining the nutritional content of a specific milk formula recipe for wild mammals.
If you have a particular product/lot that you have special interest in having tested that is not listed on the website, please contact WildAgain to discuss arrangements for possible testing.